The Jim Calhoun

Celebrity Classic All Star Game

August 4, 2012


Click on any image to see a larger view. All photos taken by Stephen Slade.
click here to see / purchase Stephen Slades below photos

All Star Team & Coach Photo

the 2012 Celebrity Classic All Star Team
The 2012
Celebrity Classic All Star Team

Coach Jim Calhoun
Coach Jim Calhoun
Players in Attendance
Ray Allen & Richard Hamilton
Ray Allen & Richard Hamilton
Ray Allen & Kemba Walker
Ray Allen & Kemba Walker
Rashad Anderson, Rudy Gay & A.J. Price
Rashad Anderson, Rudy Gay
& A.J. Price

Rudy Gay in action
Rudy Gay in action

Kemba Walker in action
Kemba Walker in action
Jeremy Lamb in action
Jeremey Lamb in action
Hasheem Thabeet, A.J. Price, Rashad Anderson & Jerome Dyson
Hasheem Thabeet, A.J. Price, Rashad Anderson & Jerome Dyson
Kemba Walker & Edmund Saunders
Kemba Walker & Edmund Saunders