Peter Lind was a Center for the UConn Huskies from 1948 – 1950. He’s a
member of the UConn Basketball All Century Ballot, was an All-Yankee
Conference First Team selection in 1949 – 1950, and was the top rebounder
that year. Pete was also top scorer in his junior year, and co-captain of
the team his senior year. I met with Pete in August 2005, as he reflected
on his collegiate, and post-collegiate days, his career, and his outside
Pete grew up in Long
Island, New York, and started playing basketball around the time of the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, in the backyard. During high
school, sports were curtailed because it was during World War II. There
were cutbacks, and gas rationing, so the teams weren’t able to travel
much. The focus was more on the world than on high school sports. When
Pete was a senior in high school, and could touch the ceiling when no one
else could, is when he knew basketball was going to be in his future. Upon
graduation form Greenport High School in 1945, he had some inquiries from
several professional teams but Pete didn’t think he was that great of a
basketball player, and never followed up on the inquiries. Instead, went
to college at Columbia University for two semesters, and then left school
to fight in World War II, as a Merchant Marine, for the next three years.
“When the war was over there were so many veterans coming back, I couldn’t
get back into Columbia right away.” The state of New York established two
or three junior colleges, so I went to one up in Plattsburgh, New York,
and played basketball there for two years.” The junior college team played
the University of CT. UConn’s Head Coach, Hugh Greer, must have liked what
he saw in Pete because soon he offered Pete a two-year scholarship to
transfer to UConn.
Reflecting on his basketball experiences at UConn Pete said, “We were
among the top teams in New England but certainly not nationally.” UConn
was a member of the Yankee Conference, which is made up of the state
universities in New England, and UConn won the Conference while Pete was a
part of the team. UConn’s main rival at the time was the University of
Rhode Island. “Every year we’d play at Madison Square Garden, it was fun
to play in the garden for me because I grew up in NY.” Pete said that
UConn was emerging on a national level, and the year after graduating,
UConn qualified for the National Invitational Tournament. In those days,
the NIT was a higher level than the National Collegiate Athletic
Association. “A lot of the credit goes to Head Coach Hugh Greer. He really
took the school, moved it up to a level in a way like Jim Calhoun has done
on a much higher level.”

Pete graduated from UConn in 1950 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business
Industrial Management. He continued to play recreational basketball back
in New York. In 1953 Pete began his professional career at Aetna Insurance
Company in Hartford, CT. He worked in different areas of the company in
the Casualty and Surety Division. He started out completing yacht surveys
(he had an interest in boats, his fathers business was a shipyard in
Brooklyn, New York). Throughout his career at Aetna, Pete worked in
Connecticut, Illinois, Rhode Island and New York, as he became a General
Manager of Aetna’s Syracuse Branch Office, and then he became an Assistant
Vice President in CT, and ultimately Vice President. After 35 years of
service, Peter retired early from Aetna in 1987 to enjoy his outside
interest, sailing.
Pete and his wife, Carolyn, had a sailboat built, and set sail living on
the boat for the next six years as they sailed around the world
sightseeing. They went from Bermuda to the Azores, to Portugal into the
Mediterranean, on to Turkey, down the Red Sea to Kenya, across the Indian
Ocean to Malaysia, Indonesia, Morocco, Singapore, Borneo, the Philippines,
Hong Kong, Japan to Vancouver, up to Alaska, down the West coast of the
U.S., and up the East coast, back to Stonington, CT.

Pete has continued to be very active at UConn, serving as President of the
Alumni Association, President of the UConn Club, and a member of the UConn
Foundation. He is currently the chairman of a volunteer committee for a
civic organization in West Hartford, CT where he manages 30 volunteers at
the UConn Health Center reception desk. Pete is also active in his church,
and finds time to play tennis three days a week. Pete also enjoys hiking.
He and his wife belong to a hiking club in the United Kingdom, and go
there annually for a two- to three-week hiking trip. “It’s quite different
than hiking in the United States. England, Wales, and Scotland criss cross
with trails that go back to medieval times. It’s a very interesting way to
see historic places. This year we’re going to hike in Tuscany, Italy.”
Pete’s thoughts on how basketball has changed over the years, “It’s
completely different. There is no relationship to what the skills are now,
but I still had fun. It was an important part of my life.” Pete has been
to see both the UConn men and women each win a National Championship. “I’d
like to see the graduation rates go up. I think that’s important for the
school. As much as UConn basketball has exploded, the university has
exploded to a greater extent.”
Pete thinks this year’s men’s team has a lot of potential. “I’m sure they
will be ranked high, they’ll make the NCAA Tournament, and after that
hopefully they’ll get on a roll.”
Pete has met Coach Calhoun a few times. “I think the main thing is, he’s
done a remarkable job. I have tremendous respect for him, and also respect
for the contributions he’s made at the UConn Health Center in Farmington,
met Carolyn, his wife of 55 years, while at UConn. Carolyn knew UConn Head
Coach Hugh Greer from his previous coaching job at South Windsor High
School in CT where she went to school. She told Coach Greer she was going
to college at UConn to meet Pete Lind, and she did. After Pete graduated
from UConn, he and Carolyn got married. Pete started his professional
career in Rhode Island so they relocated. Not having graduated yet,
Carolyn transferred her credits to Barrington College in Rhode Island
where she received a Bachelors Degree in teaching, and spent most of her
teaching career at Renbrook School in West Hartford, CT.
Peter and Carolyn have four children- Claire, Joanne, Susan, and Bill. All
are college graduates, but not from UConn. Two daughters work at ING
Financial Services in Hartford, CT, and one daughter works for the CT
Judicial System, and is a victim’s advocate. Bill, who shares the sailing
interest with his father, is a Vice President of The American Bureau of
Shipping in Houston, Texas. Bill is a boat designer who designed the
sailboat Pete and Carolyn had built for their trip around the world.
Pete and Carolyn also have four grandchildren, two in Texas, and two in
CT. One of them graduated from UConn, and is currently in a Ph.D program
at UConn.
Pete had some very positive things to say about UConn, and how it became a
part of his life. “First, and most importantly I met my wife while at
UConn, and second I really love and respect the school. I think it’s a
wonderful institution, and I’m really proud of all that they’ve done.”