Ron Ritter was a Forward for the UConn Huskies from 1963 – 1967. Ron and
his brother, Al, both played basketball for the University of Connecticut
between 1960 – 1967. I spoke to Ron in April 2005, about his basketball
experiences, and his post-collegiate experiences.
Ron grew up in Cranford, a little town in Northern New Jersey. There
wasn’t a lot for kids to do in Cranford so Ron and his brother spent a lot
of time playing sports. Geographically, so close to New York City, Ron
said, “We took the train or bus to Brooklyn, NY on weekends where there
was an enormous complex of outdoor basketball courts, where everyone from
NYC who was anybody in basketball showed up to play. You just got on a
team, and you played, so we were always playing against people who were
much better than we were. You always got better by playing against
somebody that’s better than you are, so we were constantly challenged with
really good ball players.”
When Ron reached high school he had as a junior varsity coach, Hubie Brown
who in April of 2005, it was announced that he would be inducted into the
Springfield, Massachusetts Basketball Hall of Fame. On the varsity team
Ron had the opportunity to play for head coach Bill Martin, who has
coached for 40 plus years, and is considered the best high school coach in
New Jersey. The assistant varsity coach was Rollie Massimino who later
became head coach at Villanova University and won a National Championship
while there. “It was a little hard to fail with these coaches,” Ron said.
While at Cranford High School, Ron’s teams were always in the state
tournament, and went to the finals one year but never won the state
championship. Ron was a well-known player in high school, and remembered
going to away games at other schools seeing signs made by students at the
opposing school, “Let’s have Ritter Fritter” and “Let’s shut down Ritter”.

Ron was heavily recruited by colleges—Davidson College in North Carolina,
New York University, and some west coast schools were among them.
Surprisingly, he was not recruited by UConn, where his brother was already
playing. Uconn’s head coach, Hugh Greer, had died, and the team was going
through some interim coaches. Ron made the decision to attend Davidson
where the coach was Lefty Driesell, who later coached at Maryland
University. UConn then hired Fred Shabel as head coach, who soon contacted
Ron to recruit him, apologizing that Ron had not been contacted sooner by
UConn. Ron reconsidered his decision to go to Davison, and called Coach
Driesell to let him know that the University of CT was offering him a
scholarship that he was going to accept. “It was a very difficult
decision. I had to tell Lefty that I had decided to go to CT, that CT was
really where my heart was.”
At UConn Ron was a member of the best freshman basketball UConn team,
which included Dick Thompson, Bill Holowaty, Ron Ritter, Wes Bialosuknia,
PJ Curran and Tommy Penders. He said, “It was a major transition going
from high school to college because you have to find your role. I realized
pretty quick that while I was really good in high school, there were some
people at UConn that were just as good if not better than me, so if I
wanted to play a lot, I better find my role.” Ron became the “defensive
specialist”. “My job was going to be to take the shot when I had it, make
sure Wes gets good shots, and feed the ball to Toby Kimball.” Ron realized
he wasn’t going to score 30 points a game like in high school, he wasn’t
going to be the star of the team, but understanding his role quickly, he
was a starter all four years.
A memorable game for Ron while at UConn was a game in his junior year when
they played Rutgers University in New Jersey, where Ron grew up. “I had
one of those nights where everything I threw up there, went in the basket.
I scored about 27 points that night. It was like a homecoming, a lot of
people were there from my hometown, and I had a great night.”
The biggest disappointment for Ron at UConn was during his junior year,
after a playoff game against the University of Rhode Island, to decide
which team would go to the National Collegiate Athletic Association
Tournament. UConn lost in a game that was decided by the last shot. The
team assumed it would go to the National Invitational Tournament, which
was almost as big as the NCAA’s at that time. “We thought we were good
enough to go to the NIT. We thought we could win the NIT. I’ll never
forget, after the game we were in the locker room. We were disappointed we
wouldn’t be going to the NCAA, but we were excited that our season was
going to continue, going to the NIT. The governor of the state, Governor
Dempsey, and Coach Shabel walked in, and announced to the team that
because we were committed to the NCAA’s, we would not accept the bid we
had received to the NIT. That was devastating for us. It ended our

Ron graduated from UConn with a Bachelors Degree in Marketing in 1967. The
Vietnam War was going strong, and the draft board kept calling him. He
really didn’t want to go in the army or to Vietnam so he joined the Navy,
the Supply Corp. With his business degree he would be a part of the
business arm of the Navy. Ron went to Officer Candidate School in Newport,
Rhode Island working towards an officer position in the Navy, followed by
Supply School in Athens, Georgia to learn how to be a Supply Officer, and
was supposed to end up stationed in Norfolk, Virginia where he would have
the opportunity to play some basketball in the Navy. Surprisingly, his
orders to Virginia were canceled, and he was sent to Vietnam in the Mekong
Delta. Ron spent a year in a squadron of river patrol boats with people
shooting at him, and Ron shooting back. The highlight while there was a
visit from a group of National Basketball Association players to play some
pick up games one night. Ron was able to participate, and knew some of the
players from playing against them throughout college. The players were
quite surprised to find Ron in Vietnam.
While in Vietnam, Ron had taken a few shots to his knees, survived, but
damaged his knees.
After Ron fulfilled his Navy obligation, he had to decide what to do for
the rest of his life. He and a lot of other guys he knew opted to stay in
the Navy. “We decided maybe we could, if we got to be senior officers, we
could affect the decision making so that we would never send people like
me to places like Vietnam again.” He stayed in the Navy for 20 years, and
had a great career, retired in 1988 as a Commander. Ron spent a good part
of those 20 years in Washington in enjoyable and responsible positions,
and played some Industrial League basketball too, eventually hurting his
knee, requiring knee replacement, which ended his playing days.
After retiring from the Navy, Ron joined two other people to start up a
company called “Earl Industries,” a shipyard, fixing ships for the Navy,
where Ron is a Senior Vice President. During the past 17 years it has
grown to 850 employees. The company’s main shipyard is in Portsmouth,
Virginia, with other facilities in Florida and San Diego, California.
Ron’s thoughts on how the UConn team has changed over the years. “I like
to think that we set the foundation for the success that they’ve achieved
over the last few decades. I think CT has always had a great tradition of
excellent basketball.” His thoughts on the current team are that Josh
Boone is phenomenal, and they have great guard strength. They were a young
team this past year, and will get better. Ron is looking for great things
from them next year. “They have tremendous talent.”
Ron believes that the reason why Jim Calhoun is such a great coach is
because he’s able to take these superstars, and meld them into a team. “In
my view, his genius is his ability to take these McDonald All Americans,
and make them play as a team, and make them find their role. He’s done a
marvelous job doing it.”
Ron continues to follow the UConn basketball teams, and also enjoys
following the University of Virginia, where his daughters went to college.
He’s very happy about the recent announcement that former UConn Associate
Head Coach Dave Leitao has been named the new head coach at the University
of VA. “I think Dave Leitao can be the next Jim Calhoun. He tutored under
him for many years. He played for him, and he can do some great things in
Ron and his wife, Debbie, met while at UConn. They were married 38 years
ago, while Ron was home for a two-week break from the Navy before going to
Vietnam. Debbie is an elected City Councilwoman in their hometown of
Chesapeake, Virginia. They have three daughters. Courtney, age 35, is a
graduate of Mary Washington College and resides in Suffolk, Virginia with
her husband and three sons, Jack age 5, Sam age 2, and Thomas 6 months
old. Caroline, age 29, is a graduate of the University of Virginia, and is
currently working in Washington, DC for “The Corporate Executive Board,” a
“think tank” company. Hilary, age 27, is also a graduate of the University
of Virginia, and is in her second year at Fordham University School of Law
in NYC, and is engaged to be married in 2006.
Ron ended our conversation saying, “I look back on my four years at UConn,
and I lived off those four years in both my military, and business
careers. I learned leadership skills. I learned how to lose, how to be a
part of a team, how to understand what your assets are, and make them a
part of the team. That has stood me well in war, peace, and business
without question. I learned more in those four years at CT then I’ve
learned in the next 40 years.”